In this article, we are going to discuss what is replit and repl. what does actually replit do what are the features of replit, and how it's going to help you in learning to code and practice online through replit? The language replit supports and is replit for everyone from programmers to students and teachers. Is replit free?. How we can share our code with the Global developer community and develop a project with your coworker with live chatting and in-line threads which allow users to discuss the code?
Table of Contents
What is replit
Replit is an online IDE (Integrated development environment) and its name comes from "read-evaluate-print-loop". Replit is a SaaS (Software as a Service) based company that is software company. it provides an online platform for its users to create or develop their projects online and share them or store them without downloading the software on their computer. Replit supports 50-plus programming languages so its users to learn, practice coding, and work on real projects, and developers or programmers can also use this platform. it has a huge user base from programmers, and teachers to students anyone can use this to practice learning code, teaching coding, or creating real-world projects.
Replit has multiple templates such as Official templates which are of any programming language template as Python template, HTML, CSS and javascript template, node.js template, c++ template, etc.
and community templates such as Portfolio site template, Java Swing, Bootstrap E-commerce site, and many more.
Replit also provides the database for every repl of your project, a fast, free, and easy key-value store that is built into every repl. replit provides the database for the official database client Python, node.js, and go languages you can use these databases very easily by importing it from repl of a particular language you are using simply using the insert button in your reply.
Features of replit
Replit has a lot of features that separate it from other online integrated development environments. It supports multiple programming languages and its features include sharing and downloading your code, collaborative coding, syntax highlighting, auto code completes, debugging, hosting, unit testing, version control, and package management and code generation via artificial intelligence.
some of the features are discussed below.
1. Instant IDE
One can use replit instantly in the web browser by logging into by mail ID and starting coding or practicing coding without any tension of downloading and configuration problems just by choosing the inbuilt language templates you can start practicing or creating your projects.
2. Multiplayer
You can code in a collaborative way in your browser, write code, write reviews, and debug together with your teammates. you can live chat with your team members and debug the code in multiplayer mode. share your code with the community.
3. Hosting
Replit also provides a hosting service to its user you can create your project and deploy and run it without any worry using the replit hosting service
4. Draw
The draw is a feature added by replit especially to convey ideas or discuss ideas in a visual way, it is a very good feature for teachers who are teaching online to use the replit whiteboard with .draw extension to explain topics to their students.
5. Themes
Replit has theme options currently, replit has only two themes available which are light and dark themes. you can turn any one of the themes according to your choice.
6. Threads
The thread feature in replit helps teachers and educators and students to discuss a topic, project, or code. developers can read and reply to your messages in real-time. Threads can be used as a to-do list, for comments and suggestions, making annotations, and highlights, and keeping track of important code snippets.
7. Tab
Now one can open two files side by side earlier this feature was not there in the replit software. now it has an option of opening two files side by side and opening multiple shells according to your requirements.
8. Curriculum
Replit has a curriculum hub for teachers in different programming languages Teachers can inspire their students by giving tasks to their students on different language curricula, and there are different activities in each curriculum which makes it more engaging for students. some of the curriculum are listed below
9. Search Engine
Replit added a new search feature to its software, replit builds Replit native search engine. Replit believes that you should be able to search for anything in 30 seconds. all the queries you search its show the relevant results from the categories like Repls, Templates, Code, Users, Community content, replit docs, Community tags, etc.
10. Git import
In replit, you easily import your files from git and GitHub to your repls. Git and GitHub integration can be easily done in replit
Languages replit supports
HTML, CSS, JS java javascript python
Python with turtle C++ C# C
Node.js swift R TypeScript
PHP web server PHP CLI Erlang Pyxel
Kotlin Clojure LOLCODE BrainF
Scala Raku Elixir QBasic
Ruby Rust Scheme Bash
Julia Emacs Lisp Pyxel SQLite
Dart Pygame F# Nim
Haskell Unlambda CoffeeScript Forth
Bloop Deno Golang Lua
and many more languages replit supports.
Cool Replit projects
Replit free plan
In replit free personal plan, you will get
1. Unlimited repls
2. 500 MB of storage
3. 500 MB of memory
4. 0.2 to 0.5 virtual CPU's
5. Live multiplayer collaboration