What are semantic tags in HTML?
Semantic tags in HTML are elements that have certain meanings about the structure and content of the web page. Semantic tags provide a way to describe an element in HTML it is not a simple tag but it has a certain meaning to it. it helps in improving the accessibility of web pages and helps in search engine optimization.
List of all 40+ semantic tags
1. <header> It is used to define the header section in a document or within a document
2. <nav> Navbar section is created using the nav tag. it represents the navbar
3. <main> Main tag represents the main section of a webpage.
4. <section> Section tag is used to make multiple sections inside a main content.
5. <article> Article represents the independent section of information.
6. <footer> Footer represents the bottom-most portion of a webpage containing metadata.
7. <aside> Aside is used to create sidebars in a document
8. <figure> It represents the reference content like images, charts or code snippets
9. <figcaption> It is used to write a caption inside a figure element
10. <caption> It represents the caption for the title, table, or details
11. <colgroup> It defines the group of columns in a table
12. <col> It specifies the properties of a single col inside colgroup
13. <time> It represents the range of time or time
14. <mark> It highlights the text
15. <progress> it represents the progress of any task
16. <summary> It represents the summary of any text
17. <details> It represents the disclosure widget containing additional information
18. <strong> Strong representing a text is of utmost important
19. <em> It shows text in italic
20. <sup> It show text superscript
21. <sub> It shows text subscript
22. <code> It represents a single line of code
23. <cite> Cite is used to represent the title of creative work
24. <abbr> It is used to represent the acronym.
25. <address> It represents the contact information of an author or owner
26. <blockquote> It represents the block of text quoted from another source
27. <pre> It defines the preformatted text, preserving both spaces and line breaks
28. <ins> It represents inserted text in the document
29. <filedset> It groups and forms related elements and labels, often used with the legend
30. <legend> It represents the caption for content inside it eg. used with a fieldset
31. <datalist> It contains a set of datalist options elements that represent the permissible options available to the user.
32. <progress> It represents the progress of any task
33. <del> It represents the deleted text in a document
34. <dialog> It defines a dialog box or window within a document
35. <search> search represents a search input control
36 <area> It defines an area inside an image map
37 <audio> Audio is used to embed audio content into a document
38 <track> It provides a track to multimedia elements like video and audio
39 <video> Video is used to embed video content into a document
40 <math> Math is used to embed mathematical formulas
41 <dd> It represents the description in a dl
42 <dl> It defines the description list used with dd and dt
43 <dt> It is a term used in the description list
44 <hr> It represents the horizontal line rule
45 <bdi> It isolates the part of the text that might be formatted in a different direction with the surrounding to text
46 <bdo> It overrides the current text direction for its content
47 <data> It represents machine-readable data
48 <kbd> It represents keyboard input
49 <rp> provides a fallback text for browsers that do not support the ruby element
50 <rt> rt represents the pronunciation of the word in ruby annotation
51 <ruby> ruby is used to represent the ruby annotation, used for pronunciation of any word
52 <small> small is used to print smaller font
53 <meter> It represents the measurement within known ranges
54 <marquee> It represents the scrolling and moving text or image
55 <strike> strike is used to strike through a text